LEVUCELL SC helps optimise rumen function which maximizes feed efficiency.
LEVUCELL SC is internationally approved:
- European Union approved (E1711/4b1711/4a1711) for use in bovines destined for meat and milk production, dairy goats, ewes, lambs.
- United States: Saccharomyces cerevisiae is considered generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and complies with the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) requirements for an active dry yeast.
LEVUCELL SC optimizes rumen digestion and function which leads to an improvement in income over feed cost.
During transition, LEVUCELL SC can help improve milk yield and maintain weight.
The proven efficiency of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1077:
- Improves fiber digestibility and helps optimise rumen pH*
- Improves feed efficiency: more milk is produced per kg of feed intake (e.g. for dairy: +50g* to 120g of milk for every kg of dry matter intake)
*De Ondarza, et al., 2010. The Professional Animal Scientist 26: 661-666.
LEVUCELL SC helps optimize rumen function which maximizes feed efficiency.
The proven efficiency of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1077:
- Improves fiber digestibility and helps optimise rumen pH*
- Improves feed efficiency: more weight gain per kg of feed intake (e.g. for beef, 4 to 6%* more gain per kg of feed consumed)
*Erasmus L. J. , et al., 2009. A meta-analysis of the effect of monensin or live yeast or a combination thereof on performance of beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 87 (S2)/J. Dairy Sci. 92 (S1):
LEVUCELL SC feed supplementation should be used in ruminants (dairy cattle, beef cattle, rearing calf, goat, lamb, ewe and sheep) at the recommended feeding rate.
There are different formulations to fit various feeding and management practices:
- LEVUCELL SC 20: Concentrated formulation adapted for non-pelleted or mash feed type applications.
- LEVUCELL SC 10 TITAN: Micro-encapsulated formulation adapted for premixtures and pelleted feed.