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The Importance of Using Starter in Calves

Nowadays, based on practical experiences and the undertaken scientific researches, appropriate calf nutrition plays a significant role in cattle farm management. Moreover, as farmers and industrial complex owners show more interest in cutting down on the costs and making weaning time as early as possible, it is even more vital for the calves’ gastrointestinal tract (GT), in particular the rumen, to develop as soon and well as viable.

Rumen development in the first 8 weeks after birth with the consumption of solid food pre-requires the following:

– Colonization and proliferation of ruminal microbiome;

– Consumption of water, milk or milk replacer which provides the requisite liquid to form ruminal fluid;

– Development of rumen muscles which cause the movement of nutrients from rumen to other parts of GT;

– The suitable absorption of volatile fatty acids, nitrogen, etc. through ruminal wall;

– Preparation of suitable ruminal condition and adequate substrates for effective activities of rumen microbes;

Commercial calf starters which are available for farmers are typically in flour, pellet or texture (including 40% whole corn grains) forms. Due to various scientific research papers, Gold 50 is made in pellet format in order to exclude sorting by calves as well as minimizing waste. Furthermore, the heat used in the production process, optimizes the digestive absorption of the nutrients. This is to be mentioned that the decrease of the germ load as well as anti-nutritional factors which will in turn result in the prevention of many alimentary and metabolic disorders.

The importance of Gold-50 ingredients

Cereals: The starch of calf starters must be provided from two sources (fast and slow fermentability). The high digestibility of cereals, especially corn and wheat, apart from providing the energy requirement of calves, accelerates the growth of rumen papillae.

Full fat soy: Heating soybeans causes its anti-nutritional factors to be destroyed and makes them appropriate feed even for monogastrics, both in terms of energy and protein. This product provides adequate levels of fat, essential amino acids, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, and apart from high palatability, is a good source of energy for animals.

Corn gluten: Protein source with high digestibility and abundant amount of essential amino acid methionine which, along with baked soybeans, maximize growth efficiency.

Molasses: Not only it increases starter palatability, it has high amounts of energy and also decreases the feed dust which will result a severe decline in respiratory diseases.

Probiotic and growth stimulator: It increases the function of the immune system and leads to a decrease of digestive problems and scour, mortality, improvement of FCR and daily gain.

Vitamins and minerals: All of these are prepared from globally renowned producers and are used in this calf starter by a special formula.

Gold-50 advantages and characteristics:

– Shortening the suckling period in calves;

– Improvement of the immune system and decreasing respiratory and digestive problems and consequently mortality in addition to reaching favorable weight at weaning;

– Prevention of feed sorting by calves;

– Faster growth of rumen papillae, increasing feed consumption and improvement of daily gain

– Easy management and use

– Decrease in costs and increase in profits

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