3 to 6-month Calves
Among the significant objectives and challenges of cattle farms are weight loss prevention in calves which exit the individual boxes to start their social lives, prevention of daily growth decrease after weaning and attaining optimal skeletal system to reach the ideal age for inoculation. Based on these, according to scientific and practical research, consumption of growing age feed as well as proper management do outstanding help in order to reach the mentioned goals. Nutrition in this critical period is of great importance; if calves are overfed within this period, apart from unnecessary costs imposed, they will grow fat tissues especially in the udders which will result in a low milk production in the lactation period or it may even cause infertility. On the other hand, if calves are under-fed, the consequences can be insufficient skeletal growth, delays in inoculation time and low milk production. Thus, using growing calf feed which is formulated according to the latest scientific research, particular economic conditions and the real needs of the animal in cattles and the produced with the best initial ingredients and by the best machinery in a uniform way to be easily available, seems to be inevitable. This feed is pelletized for not only not allowing the calves to sort, but also to minimize wastes. Moreover, the heat used in the cooking process, causes the germ load and the anti-nutrients to decrease which will in turn result in the prevention of many alimentary ailments which will lead to better digestion and absorption. Attending to the feed of the calves will subsequently bring about a healthy and high-producing cattle. More attention is being paid to raising calves in Iran, two results of which have been a drop in delivery mortality rate and weight gain after weaning. Calf feed in pre-weaning period is based on concentrated milk and feed which is ideal for newly-borns. Nevertheless, upon weaning, the necessary attention is many times not paid which will cause weight loss not to mention multiple health issues.
Wean calf stress can be categorized into three parts:
– Weaning
– Exiting the box and entering non-peer groups
– Ration change from high concentrate to unbalanced forage feed which, on many occasions, stuffs the rumen and the calf is unable to digest it.
These changes ultimaltely lead to DM intake drop, weight loss, as well as health issues. These post-weaning issues, both in female calves which are considered as cattle supporting back-up and male ones which are used for fattening, cause operational and economic damages. All these points highligh the importance of using the specific feed for this period which will guaranty the animal’s health as well as post-weaning weight gain.